
The Topkapi Palace’s Mansions

The Topkapi Palace’s Mansions,

The Mecidiye Kiosk
This building is sometimes also called the New Kiosk. It is in the French style and was built by Abdul Mecit before the palace of Dolma BO-we, on the site of the old Guards’ Kiosk. Parts of the original structure, dating back to the Conqueror, were incorporated into the new. The furniture is in keeping with the period and is mostly French.

Chief Physicians Room
This tower is thought to have been at one time a tower defining the outer extremity of the New Palace It has been greatly restored and now houses a collection of the medicines, medical books and medical instruments of the day. Since the bash lala, or head tutor, was always present at the preparation of medicines it is also sometimes referred to as Lala Tower.

The Sofa Kiosk
This kiosk is built on a high terrace, in palace terminology known as a sofa, hence the name. In the front garden. The kiosk was built in 1704 mid repaired III 1752. It consists of two rooms, one I-II die for small, with windows opening round on The walls and ceilings, ornamented with gilt are among the most charming examples Tor 11 h rococo.

The Revan Kiosk
This kiosk was built in 1635, during the reign of lanai IV, to commemorate the capture of Revan. The kiosk, built in three wings, is decorated inside mid out with tiles of the period. The wooden arches delicate woodwork of the ceilings are things which it is seen elsewhere.

The Bagdad Kiosk
This kiosk was built in the reign of the same Sultan, in 1638, to commemorate the conquest of Bagdad, and was probably constructed by Kasim, the chief architect of his time. It consists of two rooms, one large, the other small, built over high vaults and surrounded by broad leaves and a colonnade. The larger room is domed and has four wings. Three doors lead away from it. The walls are lined inside and out the tip to the edges of the dome with the most beautiful I is of the period. The doors, windows, and cupboards are worked in tortoise shell, and mother of pearl. The dome itself, decorated with roses and other flowers in relief against a red background, is a rare work of art. The kiosk also possesses a majestic fireplace, with bronze steps leading to it.

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