Underground Cities And People in Cappadocia Turkey
Underground Cities And People in Cappadocia Turkey,
Underground cities were first in attracting the attention and tiring the minds of the visitors coming to Cappadocia which possesses the historical and natural beauties made up by nature, history and human beings, that cannot be seen in any part of the world. I mentioned in the previous pages that there are 36 underground cities in this region. I wonder if the people of another world, or the underground people that do not know the world’s surface, made Cappadocia in a form of an ant’s nest by digging these underground cities, which I believe will increase with further investigations, to their forms of today. Digging all these underground cities and drawing out the excavation to another place is not really an easy job. It must be very difficult to achieve these with the technique of those days. Elimination was only done by oil lamps. And undoubtfully this illuminating system was inadequate in such places. The most suitable procedure of digging that can be right of these underground cities is first at big digging air chimneys 70-80 meters deep. making the underground cities by digging towards the sides after reaching greater and drawing up the excavation by pulleys through the air chimneys opened before. This is a logical thought because if they had not opened air chimneys they would not have been able to work and make these excavations. When searching the construction of the underground cities the following question comes up in our minds. Where and how did these bubbles disappear? The answer mound be as follows: You will notice Cappadocia is at a steep and broken location having a lot of valleys. The underground cities around Derinkuyu are generally small. But the biggest underground city in the region of Cappadocia is Derinkuyu.
The rubbles of the underground cities of the surroundings were poured into suitable streams and disappeared within time as a result of erosion.