Information About Topkapi Palace Museum
Information About Topkapi Palace Museum,
This single domed building of the fifteenth century was set aside to house the magnificent saddle sets of those times, made of gold and silver set with emeralds and rubies. This is also known as the Ifraz Hazinesi. In recent times it was converted into a mosque, but having now been restored it is used to exhibit saddles, bridles, stirrups and camel covers from the eighteenth century onwards. Documents in the archives reveal that older jeweled saddle sets were ruined by having the precious stones removed. Jeweled headstalls and whips remaining from these are exhibited here.
The building next to this mosque has been destroyed, and only the flue of its bath has been preserved.
In front of this is the Meyit Gate. Past the mosque, the coach gate of the palace stables can be seen. On the way to the Middle Cate, which leads into the museum, on the portico to the left, a number of fountains and selsebil marbles from different parts of the palace grounds, marble columns and pieces of the column, hearths, etc. have been grouped together. Here can be studied the changes undergone by Turkish architecture in various ages: classical, baroque, rococo, and Empire. This collection will be added to from time to time, form the nucleus of an architectural museum.
It ill be seen from this brief introduction to the treasures of the Saray that history inhabits every corner of those many structures and that each building the expression of a different form of art. Here tit t has great Museum tens of thousands of works of art hold of priceless books, manuscripts, and state archives went on display. The depots are filled with much more will be brought to light as the occasion presents itself. This Museum is a treasure house not only of Turkish art but, also of the art of a great many countries, beginning with China. There is a great variety of works of art here that will appeal to every taste so that the Saray Museum provides an amazing field both for tourists and for research students from all over the world.