Places to Visit in Cappadocia Turkey
Places to Visit in Cappadocia Turkey,
Uchisar is a small town (pop. 3500) near the Nevsehir- Urgup highway (1 km) and is almost halfway between these two towns. Originally the houses were built around the citadel, but, owing to the effect of erosion and to an increase in its population, they came to be built lower down the hill. Nowadays the citadel of Ughisar is surrounded by houses. It has a cave cut out of the rock approached by three different corridors which all reach a large central hall. One of the corridors has a stone door with a guard-rood behind it. Besides these, there are other rooms and corridors and some of them are filled with earth and rubble and the roof has fallen in.
The chief attraction of Ughisar is the citadel from where one has a superb view of the whole Goreme valley and is therefore warmly recommended to enthusiasts of photography. In 1969 a hotel was built at Ughisar into the rock; in its rooms, one has wine on tap! This establishment has contributed greatly to the tourism of the region. Besides vineyards, carpet-weaving and other handicrafts are the main occupations of the inhabitants.
Cavusin Village
When you go 3-4 km. on the Nev§ehir-UrgOp road after you go 10 km. on the Ughisar road on the left, you get to the cav4n village. This village is famous for the houses of Christian priests and churches. The churches were generally made between 7th and 10th centuries. Some of these are at G011udere and Kizilgukur locations and some of them are called pigeon houses by the village people today. One of the most important and interesting places is the Basilica type church carved into the rocks on the graveyard. It was made for St. John. Although the front part wore from erosion, the ornamented pole at the church remained in place. There is another church named Pidgeon House in the direction of the Avanos Village exit. The front part of this church was also demolished from erosion just like the other and some of the frescoes remained buried. You can go up to the real church section which has more frescoes by an iron ladder added later, to the demolished facade. The church does not have pillars and its ceiling is arch shaped, it has a large apsis in the middle and two small apses on the sides. This church represents the life of Jesus Christ and the words of the Gospel mostly. The colors used in the frescoes are generally brown and green. There is a monastery just near this church and there are four carved graves inside it.