Sections Of Istanbul Topkapi Palace Porcelain And Glasswork
Sections Of Istanbul Topkapi Palace Porcelain And Glasswork,
This section is housed in the building which served as a creamery and was seriously injured in a fire and subsequently restored. In this hall is a large collection of the glass works of Istanbul. The varieties exhibited include ordinary blown glass, crystal, and colored glass, which later came to be known as cesme bill (Nightingale’s Eye, from the colored dots on the glass). In the first hall, the visitor can see the palace oil – lamps, with their designs of gilt•leaf tulips, cesmi Billbill pitchers, and jugs of many colors, tulip – holders, and objects of opaque glass, among the most beautiful of to air kind. Specimens of stained glass, such as can be seen in other buildings and mosques, are also shown here. This series is followed by the earliest porcelain made in Istanbul, bearing a mark to that effect. Although the Turks are second to none in tile-work, they were slow in taking up the manufacture of porcelain, and it was only in 1846 that Ahmet Fethi Pasha, the great founder of the Turkish museums, inaugurated a porcelain factory at Beykoz. This factory was closed upon his death in 1854. Finally, Abdul Hamid had a porcelain factory built in the grounds of his palace of Yildiz. This factory began production in 1896, with the help of two craftsmen imported from Sevres, and soon used entirely native materials for its products. The Yildiz factory produced porcelain of fine design and work-manship, in particular, sets decorated with views by several of the famous painters of the day, and with beautiful gilding. After the declaration of the Con-Hullo ion of 1908 the factory was left unoccupied for a link, then it resumed work with Turkish craftsmen In charge and continued to produce fine porcelain until it was closed for good at the beginning of the 11 a World War. A passage next to this hall leads to the second cum. At the end of it is a door flanked by columns.