
Topkapi Palace Museum Holy Relics Istanbul – Chapter 2

Topkapi Palace Museum Holy Relics Istanbul – Chapter 2,

Today the Hirka-i Saadet is kept in a box made of solid gold upon ‘which verses from the Koran are inscribed. This cloak is that which the Prophet Mohammad gave to the poet Kaab. Kaab had originally been against Mohammad, but later he repented and went secretly to Medina with a poem in praise of Mohammad which he had written, and found his way into the presence of the Prophet without revealing his identity:
— Mohammad! Kaab son of Zuheyr repents his doings. If he becomes a Moslem will you accept him? Upon receiving a positive reply he said:
— I am Kaab, and proceeded to read the poem which he had written. The Prophet was very pleased with the poem and taking off his cloak he presented it to Kaab. After Kaab’s death his heirs sold the cloak to the Emevi rules for twenty thousand drams of silver, and thus the cloak was passed first to the Emevis and then into the hands of the Abbasis. Now it is among the relics which Sultan Selim brought to Istanbul. Among the Holy Relics are the words of the Prophet, a letter parchment written by him called the ‘Name-i Saadet’, one of his seal made of cornelian stone, a piece of his tooth which broke during the battle of Uhud, the sacred banner of Mohammad, a hair from his beard, the swords of Ebubekir, Omer, Osman and Ali, a copy of the Koran written on gazelle skin which Osman was reading at his death, the footprint the Prophet in porphyry, the lock and keys of the Kaaba in Mecca, tv pieces from the cover of the Kaaba, a water pipe from the Kaaba, tt-cover of the Hacer’ul-esvet (the black stone in the Cubical House at Mecca, a gold light fitting decorated with precious stones, lamps, prayer carpet’ and many other valued objects. The Hirka-i Saadet Apartment has recently been renovated and opened to the public.

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