The Lake of Nar and Gullu Mountain in Cappadocia Turkey
The Lake of Nar and Gullu Mountain in Cappadocia Turkey,
The Lake of Nar (Nar Golu)
The Lake of Nar is situated in a remote (30 km. from Derinkuyu and Ihlara) and deserted valley surrounded by hills. Its surface lies 70 m. below the surface of the plain, its own depth is not known. Hot water surging out from the south and north shores of the lake is supposed to be useful in treating rheumatism and many people from neighboring villages come here for a cure. The hills around the lake are literally filled with innumerable churches. One has four stories, all have frescoes which unfortunately are covered with the soot and smoke from the shepherds’ fires. Since many of the churches are not easily accessible, being situated on high rocks, they have not yet been investigated and the area is not open for tourism.
Gullu Mountain (Gullu Dagi)
Gullu Dagi is on Mount Melendiz, which is 70 km. from Nigde and 20 km. to the southwest of Derinkuyu. This site, which lies near the village of KOmOrci.) of GOlcuk, contains the ruins fo a late Hittite city of the 8th century B.C. It was discovered by accident when the rains exposed the statue of two lions. Excavations were first started in 1934 by professor Demzi Oguz Arik, but were interrupted for various reasons until 1968, at which date work at the site was resumed under the direction of Mr. Burhan Tezcan, Assistant Director General of Museums and Antiouities. The foundations of the building were reached after long excavations and also some gates have been partially unearthed. Various ceramic objets decorated with animal figures were discovered in the recent excavations. The statues of the lions and some of the ceramic objects are now in the museums of Kayseri and Nigde. Like the ruins at Alacahoyuk, Bogazkale, Karaoglan, Dundartepe and Karahoyuk (at Konya), also the Gullu dagi ruins show signs of a fire.