
The Treasury of Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul – Chapter 2

The Treasury of Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul – Chapter 2,


In this manner, a charming example of Mehmet the Conqueror’s fine taste in architecture has been brought to light. In three rooms of this kiosk part of the Ottoman, the treasure is now on show. In the second room, there is the throne made in the time of Murat III, adorned with topazes set in gold. This throne was used up to the time of the last Sultan for accession ceremonies, festivals and other occasions. The throne of Ahmet I. adorned with tulips and carnations of mother-of-pearl, set in tortoise-shell and studded with rubies, turquoises, and emeralds possess an enormous emerald pendant and device of exceptional rarity. The throne of Murat IV is made of ebony covered with ivory and mother-of-pearl work of the highest artistic skill. This throne was used in the Bagdad campaign. Also on display is the attire of sever-al of the Ottoman emperors with costumes and plumes of the period : Sultan Mehmet II the Conqueror, Sultan Selim I the Inflexible, Sultan Suleyman I the Magnificent, Sultan Mehmet III, Sultan Ahmet I, Sultan Murat IV, Sultan Selim III, Sultan Mahmud II, Sultan Abdul Mecit, Sultan Abdul Hamit II, the jewelled armour and weapons of Murat IV, plumes, the uniform of the lifeguards, quivers and bow cases, jewelled swords, helmets, arrows, shields, jewelled daggers, jewelled rifles and revolvers. In the third room (24) are displayed jeweled writing-sets made of various materials, inkwells, pen cases. pen knives, jeweled centers, the casket containing the Hirka-i-Saadet (The Holy Mantle of the Prophet), jeweled mirrors and fans, pearled prayer-car-pets and gold candlesticks, prayer beads of pearls and emeralds, a gold cradle studded with precious stones, jeweled girdle and other jeweled and enameled objects. Also to be seen are Ottoman medals and decorations; foreign medals and decorations set with precious stones, which had been presented to Sultans Abdul Mecit, Abdul Aziz, and Abdul Hamid II; the throne carpets and hanging from the Arzodasi. (Hall of Petitions), adorned with pearls, emeralds and rubies and having fringes of gold; the throne of pearls, emeralds, and rubies which formed part of the booty won in the caldera campaign; a throne of emeralds and rubies; and finally the hand and, in a casket adorned with emeralds, the skull of the Prophet Yahya.

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